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Meet Peta Barrett


Peta has been instructing for 20 years and has been climbing for 29 years. Her journey into teaching began somewhat unexpectedly when she took on the role at another job, only to discover a true passion for instructing. She enjoys teaching because it allows her to figure out how different people learn and to adapt her methods to suit all learning styles. As she puts it,  “ I’m teaching subjects that people want to learn so as to improve their skills or, in most cases, stay safe in the sport. Because of this, my students are wanting to learn which actually makes it an enjoyable experience for myself as well. I love working out different ways of teaching to suit all styles of learning. This way I keep learning too.”


Craven backpack with laptop sleeve


Craven backpack material and accessory pocket

Peta’s favourite type of climbing is sport, especially on well-bolted, slightly off-vertical walls that require technical face climbing skills. Greece holds a special place in her heart, particularly the island of Kalymnos, where she has spent over three years climbing. However, she’s recently been exploring mainland Greece, which is quickly becoming her new favourite due to the abundance of rock and the warm reception of climbers. When it comes to favourite climbs, Peta is always focused on her current project, putting her full passion into it, though she rarely revisits completed climbs to avoid the chance of "unsending" them.

Her go-to climbing gear includes the Petzl Connect Adjust,(How good are they!!). Belay glasses (cheaper than a Chiro). The Kong Panic (so I don’t…). Stick Clip (I love my ankles). Edelrid Bulletproof biners. (So far 5 years of use vs 6 months). On her harness, Peta always carries her Petzl Connect Adjust, a spare carabiner, a chalk bag, and emergency prusiks when climbing with just one other person. For more technical adventures, she brings along additional equipment, including a DMM Pivot, more prusiks, slings, spare carabiners, an 80-metre rope in the low 9mm range, 27 quickdraws, and a first aid kit—ensuring she's prepared for anything. 

After a climbing session her go do skin care regime is Hand Jam, which she developed and makes herself!.


Pinnacle takes training and safety seriously to ensure all of our courses are run with minimal risk and that all of our clients are taught the best way to do things. Not only are our guides and instructors fully qualified but our qualifications are kept current with regular training and skills refreshment. Peta has achieved the following qualifications:

  • SISOCLA409 (SIS10) Instruct lead climbing on single pitch artificial surfaces 
  • TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
  • SISOABS001 Abseil single pitches using fundamental skills
  • SISOABS003 Abseil single pitches, natural surfaces
  • SISOABS006 Establish ropes for single-pitch abseiling on natural surfaces
  • SISOABS009 Lead single pitch abseiling activities on natural surfaces
  • SISOCLM002 Top rope climb single pitches, natural surfaces
  • SISOCLM006 Establish belays for single-pitch climbing on natural surfaces
  • SISOCLM009 Lead single pitch climbing activities on natural surfaces, top rope climbing
  • SISOPLN004 Identify hazards, assess and control risks for outdoor recreation activities
  • SISOPLN002 Plan outdoor activity sessions
  • SISORSC002 Perform vertical rescues
  • SISORSC003 Perform complex vertical rescues
  • SISOCLA311(SIS10) Guide top rope climbing activities on artificial surfaces 
  • SISOCLA406A (SIS10) Apply lead climbing skills on artificial surfaces 
  • SRO40206 Certificate IV in outdoor recreation. Climbing Guide Natural Surfaces Single and Multipitch.
  • Applied First Aid
  • Blue Card